its been long since last post. well. living at poly without owning a notebook makes me katak living bawah tempurung. plus, the favorite links have been blocked by the wi-fi -camne la nak hapdet-. well. worry no more. i'm back to pick up the pieces i've left since few weeks ago.
sorry for keeping you guessing where the hell i've been m.i.a. *abg amin toksah wat taktaw.
first, announcing to the world, i've quit studying in poly. alhamdullillah. after lots of views, thoughts i decided to go after my dream. well, i dream of becoming a designer since primary and now, getting the chance to do it, it'll be better if i go for it. right? i still gonna miss poly. 6months is not a short period i must say. its a chapter in my journey called life for used to be a marketing student.
next, saving the drama for the soaps, i'm getting chubbier! arghh. gumuks. fatty meri saathi. in other word, i'm making my brothers more happier than ever to call me budak gemok again. suckss.
hahahha. i cant deny that i've been eating quite a lot back when i was in poly. gambar kat sebelah is my image before enroling into ptsb. mungkin time ni dah nampak aku chubby sikit but believe me, at this moment, i can wear my jeans perfectly fit and there was no trouble while wearing it. no inhaling exhaling happened. kira kurus gak laa. makan pun jarang time nih. bukan jaga badan tapi tak lapar *alasan!!. however, abang2 aku still panggil aku budak gemok padahal member2 banyak cakap aku kurus * hikhikhik.
and this one. is the latest me! gosh. barangsiapa tak nampak, kena la jumpa optometris. hikhikhik. and now, i cannot wear my jeans without inhaling and exhaling session. argh. yeah! i'm gonna start diet! DIET! tapi boleh ke? aku diet? -lariiii!dunia nak terbalik!- i've never been on diet before and never planning or even intending to diet also. haiyaa. how to become kurus again maa? makan julap? buang segala toksik dalam badan ni dan tinggal sehari semalam dalam tandas? err. katakan TAK NAK. so, kena xtvate balik body ni. dulu i'm quite athletic. sukan gak la. but now, makan tak ingat dunia. no wonder chubby. sekali makan bantai habis. tak kasi can punya. hahahahha. tambah-tambah aku ni pemalas. *nnt ada la komen yang bakal agree dengan statement ni* i knew itt! well, nak deny watpe? kan abang abang ku sekalian? - i know you guys are reading this!-
well, all in all, i cant wait to embark on new life kat UiTM. bukan sekadar mengejar status pelajar Uni - cuz i got a friend and i really sick of him yang bangga sangat being student Uni while i was in poly- tetapi mengejar cita-cita yang kini terbuka luas peluangnya. and thanx so much to my bros for buying me this NEC VERSA E6300. syukran jaazila ya akhi.
i've got the best brothers in the world and wont trade them for anything. *ermm..klu emas, permata??
well, i wonder how was it gonna be if i'm sitting for my finals and rejecting UiTM. cuz i once said to a friend of mine, " aku dah menyampah ngan uni kat malaysia ni".
that response was due to rejection from ipt on july intake before this. thinking friends yang dapat masuk thru orang dalam adalah unfair and i got rejected even from poly at that time - i got poly after appeal- memang hati terbakar la. lu bikin gua pannaaaaas * bak kata spark dlm rempit.
forget that! i got this chance on my own effort and there's no one gonna stop me reaching it *unless meself*. girl powerr! ahaks. terpengaruh nagn chickflick r nih. aiyook.
till then.
i'll be writing soon.
dear my beloved sis,
i want u to brave the fight in your future endeavor. believe me that u've to be extra careful, extra patient and extraordinary in term of thinking.
don't play safe but go through the adventure journey. bear in mind that Allah s.w.t. is the finest hope and since our parents are still alive, it's them...regardless what's your perception towards them...that we've to put the beautiful smile.
as a brother who still brave the noble fight, and been through the hard life, i'll try to provide what's the best i can to ensure your success. pray hard and be kind to others and Allah will help you more than what you can think of.
good luck!
semoga selamat hadapi dunia baru. siap siaga fizikal, mental, rohani, jasmani dalam mhadapi apa saja rintangan mendatang!
erm..gemok??takde sgt pun gemok. live life to the the fullest..hihihi :p abang2 tu nak tgk puteri kena sakit Anorexia nervosa hape? jum kte diet pisang nak? :) diet dgn makan pisang saje.
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