Tuesday, December 23, 2008

ready, on your mark, get set, GO!

its unbelievable thinking time flies so fast you wish you could turn back time. its exactly how i feel when i'm typing this entry.

as i'm typing -while listening to some bands do their magics on mtv-, i'm repacking my bags. throw away the stuffs yang ngarut2 and pack all the necessary stuffs. come to think of it, the thrown away -tak buang laa,simpan balik dlm almari- macam important je. ahaks~ aku tak reti packing barang i mean, what should be in the bag and what not. basic stuffs tak pyh ckp, aku taw! tp yg complementary tuh. huhuhu. anak dara pe la ni?

i afraid of leaving something that matter the most while i'm there and keep in mind, kat bota tuh BUKAN kulim. at least kulim dekat la gak ngan perlis. naik bas pun senang. huhh-sigh- tp what is life without sacrifices right? worr. byknye barang aku nak bawak nihh. nak pindah ke trus ke?

ptptn tak settle lagik. nyampah tul call. xreti nak angkat.

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