Wednesday, April 15, 2009

sehari dua kat dunia luar

ada insiden yg berlaku, tapi let bygone be bygone
and i'll make sure, a great deal of assurance, yang it wont happen ever again.

bila ingat balik pun, aku fikir, mak aih, buat berani betoi aku ni!!

among friends, memang aku dicop member-member berani tak kira tempat. berani yang macam mana, erm, lets just say, berani yang banyak macam. entah mcm mana aku boleh jadi macamni, idk. but for sure, it wont happen again. as befores, benda yang 'berani tak kira tempat' aku buat, i never do it for the second time. the first is the last. and that's it.

to think bout it too, aku siyes agak fobia.

ok. end of topic. lets get into another.

selama aku kat umah abang aku ni, i used the time to tengok muvee yang cambest thanks to my bro's dvd collections. and historic boys wasn't bad all. mula-mula seems boring and confusing, tapi towards the end, it was aite. mind you, there's lot of lits,quotations and poems innit. the night aku n mak sampai -mak from perlis with makcik ani-, noremon brought us to jusco to look around. silap besar la bawak puteri noor liyana pergi tempat yang jual handbags, clothing and shoes. and memang silap pun, walaupun setengah jam dalam jusco yang besar tu, i managed to buy a CLEEF handbag, baju punjabi design pe ntah and an interior design mag. mekaseh mak, bagi duit malam tu.

mak just beli botol air kecil utk sepanjang she's in mecca. and noremon beli kasut sukan kat aku. hikhik. thanks to noremon too. at first dia choose kaler pink and i was like, pink?? #$%^^*&?! trust me, raid my room, you can only foundvery countable things i have in pink colours. even baju pun mostly in black. noremon pun beli rak pinggan. then, dia cakap, "jum balik, duk lama-lama, boleh muflis". hikhikhik. he was referring to me. huhuhu. memang satu kesilapan kalau bawak duit banyak-banyak, and take me out to shopping complex. even jusco pun, kalau ada baju, or shoes or handbags, memang kayap la anda pastu.


there's a bad news. f**king s**t!!
nas had lost my drawing yang perlu hand in this friday. so, nak taknak, esok aku kena balik uitm. aku ingat nak extend sampai jumaat, tapi cant. pasal submission, i could ask a friend to hand it in. tapi sebabkan nas carelessness, damn it!! stupid tau! please la, kalau involve props orang lain, please take a great deal of care to it. barang-barang bukan hakmilik aku, even it was my bro's pun, aku jaga betul-betul. kalau props sendiri, lain citer r, plus, that's my assignment. dahla penat aku wat benda tu. susah tau tak!!!! tak kira, we'll see on friday. i know just what to do!

mak's leaving for umrah esok pagi. semoga mak pegi, ada kat sana and balik dengan selamat. aminn..

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