Thursday, April 30, 2009

who is john galt?

54pages and still counting!

recently when i went to kl, noremon gave me a novel. not as thick as HP though, but the fonts are really damn small, rosak lagi la mata aku cuz nak fokus benda kecik-kecik ni leceh bagi budak specky like me.

ayn rand
atlas shrugged

that's the book. noremon said that if i've done with it, i'll know how economic works in this hectic world.

"who is John Galt?" could you answer that?

macamana aku boleh tergerak hati nak baca buku ni? i've been planning not to abandon marketing. aku ingat on my own, i want to read marketing cuz though i'm an ID student, marketing is still an intriguing subject to learn. aku tak perlu ada sijil pengesahan dalam bidang marketing, just enough untuk aku tahu what is marketing and the whole of it. economic is related to marketing. so, why dont i learn both? lagipun dari aku duk bising-bising bout being boring dan taktau nak buat apa kat bilik ni, baik aku kayuh slow-slow buku ni.

i believe, if i can finish HP last book, i can finish this too.

1080pages. you can do it puteri!

i admit that i a reader. whenever i'm in MPH, Popular, i cant help myself to grab a book -novels mainly- and got myself in front of the cashier.

noremon bagi this book pun becuz i've been complaining bout wanting a new book to read cuz i've done with my old ones. plus, aku dah lama tak keluar ipoh. so, dah ada chance kat big city, why dont pegi beli? tapi instead of buying new one, aku amek buku ni n bring back to uitm with me.

mula-mula perit jugak la nak baca cuz aku lebih prefer novel fiction such as confession of a shopaholic rather than novel yang ada unsur eco macamni. first page, aku baca the whole page, and went to sleep. the next day, the same thing happened. tapi when i reached page 14, the book's growing on me. but not so fast, ada thousand pages lagi to go. so far, interesting. "who is john galt?"

p/s..where there's a will, there's always a way ;)

Monday, April 27, 2009

if i'm ugly then so are you, so are you

entri kali ni perhaps, a little emo-ish n touching. but, still, its from meself

i never really have given much thought whatever people thinks bout me. all that i really know, i act as myself.

i dont really the look, neither any style. not that i dont want to have any of those but i dont feel comfortable to live atas judgement orang and be not happy bout it. hidup ni, jangan ambil pusing cakap-cakap orang, cuz selamanya takkan satisfied dengan apa yang kita buat. take only the good ones and leave others behind. lagipun, mulut orang bukan macam mulut tempayan, boleh ditutup.

aku lebih selesa seperti sekarang. aku tak kisah if there's no guy gonna look at me, instead, yang diorang mengorat ialah budak sebelah aku. beauty ni wont last forever if you dont have the inner to go with it. at least, pakcik atau abang2 kat kafe or tempat lain, take la nak kacau aku. tak kena ambil kesempatan. i've heard tons of complaints, sengaja bagi duit sambil pegang tangan la, mintak number phone la. memang la best dapat attention dari orang lain, kadang-kadang for some people, bila kena ayat, diri tu terasa lagi confident -sebenarnya perasan je lebih- sebab terasa diri tu cantik.

for me, aku takde masa nak ada maintenance untuk those kinds of stuff. cuma kumpul handbags, kasut n some clothing sikit sikit. itupun, whenever i have budget for them. if not, aku selesa dengan apa aku ada.

as far as i concern, she was beautiful. even noremon said, kalau dia ada, mesti ramai yang nak mengurat dia. who is she? she's my late sister. aku tak berpeluang untuk kenal dia. tapi from others -mak,cousins,brothers- she's perfect. cantik, pandai n rajin. aku tak tau if aku ada ciri ciri tu. rajin tuh amat terpesong la cuz among family, aku ni pemalas.

sometimes, aku terasa jugak bila orang tak layan aku cuz of my look. macam didiskriminasikan. alah bisa tegal biasa, macam dah lali for those. whatever pun, aku tetap manusia kan? perasaan tu tetap ada.

kalau ada orang suka kat aku, mesti aku tanya mamat tuh, what so special bout me sampaikan you like me so much? jawapannya? biarla i'm the only one to know.

beauty is subjective. it depends on how do you want to see the beauty. one maybe dont have an hour glass figure and angelina jolie face to go with it, but perhaps, there's something else she's got to offer. buat apa, mekap lawa-lawa, tapi nak angkat plastik berat sikit taknak,sebab takut kuku patah. eww~ lari 5meter, dah termengah macam lari sebatu n topup pun mintak bf tanggungkan. nak tanya, confirm ke bf tu jadi suami?

aku tak pernah risau tentang diri aku. i know i'll survive no matter how, even when aku terasa amat down, n wanna give up, aku tetap teruskan. friends said, aku ni sort of brutal, a bit kasar macam lelaki. i ignore that. aku rasa bukan time lagi untuk aku nak abiskan duit beli maybelline, sk II, m.a.c and all those stuff. insyaAllah, time aku dah ada duit sendiri, aku spent la some on those. its not i dont have any beauty product, in fact plenty, tapi aku jenis tak beria nak mekap pergi kelas. cukup bedak taknak bagi muka berminyak n lip balm.

pernah, there's a guy, had a nerve to talk to me, asking, " ko tak kisah ye puteri, kalau orang tak mengurat ko. aku tengok kawan-kawan ko semua cun-cun. ko @#!%*&* ke? ko tak terasa ke takde yang nak ngurat ko?"


first of all, aku tak @#!%^*). nauzubillah!

second of all, yeap, kebanyakan kawan-kawan aku semua cun, meletup n kegilaan ramai pihak. selalunya, yang jadi orang tengah jugak aku.

3rdly, yeap, aku tak kisah. tapi bohong kalau tak terasa. cuma, aku tak penah nak ambil hati atau amik pusing dalam hal like this. i prefer that somebody get to know myself first dari suka kat aku on how i look. zaman dah berubah, betty la fea pun boleh jadi betty mamma mia! just a matter of time je.

that's all.
have a nice day;)

p/s..entri ni sebenarnya ditujukan pada a friend. enjoy reading dear!-if you're reading-

Friday, April 24, 2009

i'm feeling damn bored!


selamba je dak dak neyh duk reben-teben pasal underwear. isk..iskk..malu le sikit weh..aku ade nihh.

dunia, dunia, pe nak jadi dengan dunia ni??

i just watched a vid at my bro's blog, siyes aku takleh tgk video sampai habes. just like noremon, memang aku belasah maid tu kaw-kaw punya. how could she terajang that little girl sampai terpelanting all the way? dia teringin nak rasa benda yang sama kut? if nak, boleh je. penah tengok vid yang satu gal ni dihempap bata kat head? boeh je wat kat maid tuh.

aiyook. whatever you do, jangan la hurt budak-budak. aku tengok budak nanges pun tak sanggup. inikan kena sepak terajang.

semakin hari aku semakin busan giler kat sini. tiga paer final. gap untuk tiga paper nih seminggu lamanya. just finished aking CTU. lepas ni BEL. rabu depan. until that, apa aku nak buat??? boring siyal. sampaikan nak tido pun rasa boring. plan nak balik tapi cancel very last minute cuz ada keja yang perlu disiapkan. kalau tak dah ada kat perlis ni.

what happen la dengan wireless ni? mengada la.

dua tiga hari ni aku cam bad mood sikit. its nothing. cuma, kesabaran yang menebal makin hari makin nipis. kerenah manusia dah semakin annoying buat aku. get over yourself la. erghh.

uiks. time's up. gtg. nnt pak guard marah lak aku lepak lama2 kat sini. sebok je!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

what if?

what if i went the other way round?

what if, i didnt go to SMKAP, instead of somewhere else?
what if, i didnt take science and just pursue another?
what if, i stayed at polytechnic and still read marketing?
what if..

susah nak jawab persoalan 'what if' ni. cuz the answer could be anything. anything yang we expected, we dream or it could be the unexpected.

pernah jugak aku terfikir, pe yang jadi ngan my life if i choose the road i did not take? if look and turn back time, there are somethings that i would like to change but to think bout it again, i wont. if i change everything, it wont be the same as now. macam butterfly effect.

for questions above, here some answers i could think of and might happen:

question 1:
a) go to derma
b) go to boarding school
c) go to local school yang biasa-biasa

question 2:
a) taking accounting
b) go to technic school and take fashion
c) aliran sastera kut?

question 3:
a) dah jadik student sem 2
b) tengah happy-happy dengan member-member poly
c) insyaAllah, jadi exect marketing yang cumel;p

tapi jawapan kat atas ni, if only je.

its not i'm not happy here in uitm tapi bohongla aku tak rindu kawan-kawan kat poly cuz i'm close with them. we shared problems together. the whole class.

kat uitm ni, aku hanya close ngan fews. my roomates -fatin n akak zira-, classmates -seha, and the downtown gang- tapi that's it. tekanan projects membuatkan aku tak berapa nak bergaul dengan yang lain.

otw balik dari kl, noremon ada berkongsi cerita dengan aku. bila dengar, its like satu lesson. plus, when i got here in uitm, jadi pula satu hal. roomate aku 'clash' ngan bf-nya. lepas kena 'basuh' dengan aku, a friend of ours baru dia diam. tergelak jugak bila keluar dengan akak zira pergi beli barang bilik petang tadi, yang da cakap aku ni macam matang dari usia aku. dari segi thinking. little they know, aku dengan family, aku childish. mungkin dengan kawan-kawan jadi lain. huhu~

ada janji ngan somebody. gotta go!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

sehari dua kat dunia luar

ada insiden yg berlaku, tapi let bygone be bygone
and i'll make sure, a great deal of assurance, yang it wont happen ever again.

bila ingat balik pun, aku fikir, mak aih, buat berani betoi aku ni!!

among friends, memang aku dicop member-member berani tak kira tempat. berani yang macam mana, erm, lets just say, berani yang banyak macam. entah mcm mana aku boleh jadi macamni, idk. but for sure, it wont happen again. as befores, benda yang 'berani tak kira tempat' aku buat, i never do it for the second time. the first is the last. and that's it.

to think bout it too, aku siyes agak fobia.

ok. end of topic. lets get into another.

selama aku kat umah abang aku ni, i used the time to tengok muvee yang cambest thanks to my bro's dvd collections. and historic boys wasn't bad all. mula-mula seems boring and confusing, tapi towards the end, it was aite. mind you, there's lot of lits,quotations and poems innit. the night aku n mak sampai -mak from perlis with makcik ani-, noremon brought us to jusco to look around. silap besar la bawak puteri noor liyana pergi tempat yang jual handbags, clothing and shoes. and memang silap pun, walaupun setengah jam dalam jusco yang besar tu, i managed to buy a CLEEF handbag, baju punjabi design pe ntah and an interior design mag. mekaseh mak, bagi duit malam tu.

mak just beli botol air kecil utk sepanjang she's in mecca. and noremon beli kasut sukan kat aku. hikhik. thanks to noremon too. at first dia choose kaler pink and i was like, pink?? #$%^^*&?! trust me, raid my room, you can only foundvery countable things i have in pink colours. even baju pun mostly in black. noremon pun beli rak pinggan. then, dia cakap, "jum balik, duk lama-lama, boleh muflis". hikhikhik. he was referring to me. huhuhu. memang satu kesilapan kalau bawak duit banyak-banyak, and take me out to shopping complex. even jusco pun, kalau ada baju, or shoes or handbags, memang kayap la anda pastu.


there's a bad news. f**king s**t!!
nas had lost my drawing yang perlu hand in this friday. so, nak taknak, esok aku kena balik uitm. aku ingat nak extend sampai jumaat, tapi cant. pasal submission, i could ask a friend to hand it in. tapi sebabkan nas carelessness, damn it!! stupid tau! please la, kalau involve props orang lain, please take a great deal of care to it. barang-barang bukan hakmilik aku, even it was my bro's pun, aku jaga betul-betul. kalau props sendiri, lain citer r, plus, that's my assignment. dahla penat aku wat benda tu. susah tau tak!!!! tak kira, we'll see on friday. i know just what to do!

mak's leaving for umrah esok pagi. semoga mak pegi, ada kat sana and balik dengan selamat. aminn..

love story-taylor swift

part2 'introduce' me to this song

at first aku tak suka lagu ni. but i'm a listener. i'm just listening to the song, i listen to the lyrics. i've been meaning to watch the vc. oleh sebab after format, i lost my download devices and flash pun xda, n i was pretty blurr with the internet except a fews, aku just niat je whenever i could watch the vc.

sampai je aku kat umah abang aku kat serdang ni, aku terus buat catch-up pe yang patut. all the lost stuffs,vids, muvee and songs. getting thru emails too cuz wireless kat uitm perak agak sengal dengan yahoo mail. idky.

after watching the vid, it was nice vc. paling cantik is the dress taylor wearing time kat balkoni. siyes, cantik.
so readers, walaupun ramai dah tengok, aku nak letak jugak kat sini.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

dinner ID

dinner ID=melaram+food

theme | garden white

le gardenia | an evening in eden

tu la detail dinner ID. for me, the dinner was just fine. its good. but only good. meja for part 1 diletakkan nun jauh dekat dengan buffet table -tapi okay la cuz daging kambing bakar kami yang sapu- and jauh dari stage. so, at last, kami buat hal kami sendiri. siap ada photo session sendiri. gelak la. yan lain sebok fokus kat stage. tapi, what to do, how come we nak fokus sedangkan, meja jauh dari stage. whatever. pe pe hal it was good though. afterall, basically, dinner utk raikan part 6 yg dah nak grad pun. yang lain tumpang datang memeriahkan majlis je.

buat kat perkarangan padang. good decoration gak.

but part 1 this sem has planned to do the dinner outside campus. at hotel, perhaps. bukan pe, biar tempat yang selesa.

nyuu was named as princess of part1 and queen of the nigth.mau taknya, nyuu sewa baju kawen kat kedai. errr. xpe la. dia mampu and i went to the dinner pun just to have fun with my mates. aku ba styling ni agak lemah sikit. cuz, if u wanna have style, duit pun kena 'style' jugak la.aku pulak pasal duit, memang bermasalah. fo sho, semua jadi bermasalh tentang duit. i'm not damn rich like my other mates, macam nas, -bapak structural design pelantar minyak *kaya tuhh*-, macam nyuu, -bapak town planner kat kl-, tapi aku ok je. aku tak segan silu citer background keluarga aku. mak aku retired nurse. my dad is a retired officer. he used to work kat mahkamah. and now, dia bukak office sendiri as pesuruhjaya sumpah. lagipun, eventhough aku asal dar ujung dunia, ada benda yang aku lebih tahu dari minah and mamat, doesnt matter where you are, as along as you keep your eye open.tu je.

for dinner, i wore my own seluar putih, pinjam baju roomate cuz aku takde blaus putih, n kasut high heels-siyes high- syida -roomate seha my classmate+classmate fatin-, selendang itam kak nana belikan n beg yang fatin hadiahkan. simple. takdela OTT sangat. siyes simple je.

dinner abeh around 1 am. then, part 6 jadik giler. depa wat photo session sendiri kat tengah tengah jalan raya tuh. ahaks. wacky part6. good luck guys.

sorry, aku takde pics utk dinner ni. nnt aku letakkan

Thursday, April 9, 2009

study week+class BC+redo assignments=baik tak payah cuti

beep! beep!

got text from naim.

salam, catch amin on astro awani at 8pm tonite talking on the new cabinet. -naim- *like idk who's number was it (-.-)

i was redoing my play structure assignment as the review day is on the next day.

i literally awed for a while. uiks. how come noor amin masuk tv. live plak tu. whatever. 1950 hours, got out of my room and turun pegi tingkat satu to see if anyone using the TV lounge. gladly, no one's there. first time aku masuk bilik tv and using it for meself. then aku ask for astro remote from kak azza (ketua blok) tapi dia cakap dah ada oang amek and tak pulangkan. agak kesialan ye. kunun2 nak kuntrul remote tu la. hek eleh. tapi aku kan seorang yang relax, hikhikhik, i worked my magic and wallah! at exactly 8pm, there he goes, noor amin ahmad, my bro,an alumni of asean renaissance young leaders. i watch the programme for the whole hour, even yang eksaited nak tengok tv pun cancel cuz saw me watching the 'serious' programme. come-on la. takkan tengok awani global pun di-consider boring person? tapi memang aku jarang tengok pun. aku tengok cuz my bro ada. hikhikhik.

perhaps, nak tengok diari af kut. ahhh! pedulikkan. diari tuh taon depan pun ulang. aku nak tengok tv jugakkk!

aku tengah stress actually.



que pasa?


cuz banyak work yang tak buat lagi ni and jangan ingat final project dah abeh, keja laen pun abeh. oh noo. not for IDrs. we got lotsa works to do. cuti ni pun silap haribulan, dapat keja. aiyoookkk

p/s. tak sabar nak turun KL 14apr ni. dapat gak aku tengok dunia balik.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

done with final projects, tunggu xm je

just done with the presentation.

here are some pics.

dr.halim suggest for me to improve my rendeering and anthropometrics scale. but others are cool and aite.

tiga hari aku habiskan fokuskan untuk buat semua ni. and i havent sleep since last nite. and this week, there's no way i can sleep soundly. banyak kerja till this friday, then, just relax and study for BEL,BC -building and construction-, CTU. then, cuti dua bulan. yeahhoo!!!

here they go!

hasil work aku..
kat bawah member aku punya which the whole ID's gelarkan bakal dekan ;p..
n some pics lepas presen

client | umaga ( rugby player )

client | valentino rossi

client | ronaldinho

client | diego maradona

client | dwayne johnson a.k.a the rock

client | roger federer

hasil penat lelah aku. whatever your says, aku tetap puas hati!!
boh layan komen2 tak best
komen yg cumel cumel je akan dilayan. huhuhu;)

tiga malam kt aku nggak tidur..LANSUNG!!
mane bantal? aku dah sangap bantal...;p

Saturday, April 4, 2009

national service and the memories

dianna danielle dilantik timbalan penghuluwati kem princess heliza,sepang??


bukan jeles,dengki,iri hati dan segala yang berkaitan, tapi nak tak nak when people read the headline, still, the words come thru the minds are, " its bcuz of her p
opularity "

except, ngefans berat je yang deny kenyataan di atas

i was, too, been in National Service. my bro didn't think it was useful ( not only for me, but for everyone ),but instead was happening to me. i was glad -and still- joining NS. aku takde pangkat, and i've havent been awarded any rank or award while i was there. oh ya, aku bekas pelatih Kem Tasik Meranti Wang Kelian, Perlis, sesi 5/kump 1. selama dua bulan 11hari aku jadi wirawati kat kem tu. and i still remember everyone that i know back then -ini bukan dugaan, ini betul-betul-. nak mention, banyak sangat nama, n if aku missed mention nama, ade plak yang nak kena pujuk. hal pujuk memujuk ni bukan kerja aku.

setahun dah berlalu and i've to admit, i missed suasan
a kat plkn. we're closed with each other and aku tak pernah amik pusing dengan gals yang tak suka aku -ntah kenapa, perhaps sebab aku rapat dengan wira2 esp yang hensem2 dan yang depa suka- and true friends i got there.

aku dengan sorang rakan rapat masa plkn dalam planning nak buat reunion untuk batch kami, but since everyone's sibuk dengan study, and banyak dah fly ke oversea -yeah, batch kami byk budak budak pandai-, so, plan tertangguh. aku sendri tak boleh manage time aku den
gan workload yang banyak, inikan nak manage event. what's more funny, a friend from primary school asked me, when's the next reunion for SK Sena? i was laughing with myself. aku nak balik perlis pun agak susah, and if time cuti pun, its not like everyone would come.

tapi hopes yang nak jumpa balik semua friends, memang ADA. and i am looking for it.

aku teringat lagi time share maggi ramai2, jadik sentry malam2 -sentry la sangat-, kawad, macam lagi la. esp PT pagi yang mengarut. and not to forget, KJ yang wacky.

hahahaha. those times were unforgetable.

to my admirers, lupakan la aku ye ;p kawan je la. takyah nak admire2. bleh kan;p

uiks,i already forgot the lyrics of NS song. er..
yang aku ingat

'kami wira-wirawati negara'


project ID for UiTM family day

Thursday, April 2, 2009

apa yg dah jadik kat dunia nih?


apparently i'm way missing things and news bout people around me except life roomate aku, and dear classmate. kalau dulu, i know what's evolving around me, sekarang, OMG, somebody!! keep me updated! err..adekah incek raafiq dah kapel ngan alynn?? konfermo-kan kat aku bleh? what's in, what's not? sound silly, tapi siyesly, aku dah tak tau ape yg jadi ngan dunia. kalau bush mati langgar tiang pun aku TAKKAN TAHU! come on people, text me will ya?? nak kata paper takde, aku maleh nak ngadap frontpage politik yang hangat sehangat katy perry skarang. wayeles kat bilik takde. duit kena bajet so, gi cc adalah satu pembaziran. ade laptop, siyes, sanggup ke ang ulang alik dari studio, pegi cemara, panjat tangga sampai tingkat tiga, turun dengan beban bertambah, patah pegi balik studio yg location dekat ngan pintu pagar utama while your block way back dekat ngan utan belakang tuh??? yeah, i can when i want, tapi LETIH siyal.


aku tengah struggle abihkan project final for ID. taking JIMI HENDRIX as my client, i supposed to design an apartment (with such limited space! again, LIMITED i meant for KECIKK!!) and i've proceed with plan,section and perspective layouts. cuma nak kna buat model je. tuff job man! dulu aku ingat, senang je, nah! padan muka amek ID lagi. tapi pe pe hal, aku boleh buat if i want to, rite?


aku tgh sengal ngan senior2 yg kacau schedule aku. time esok lusa ade submission, time tu la dia sebok nak mintak tolong itu ini. rakyat jelata kaum senior yang lain pegi mana?? its not like i dont want to help, tapi come-on a, aku dah serabut dengan kerja aku. ungku pun siap kata muka aku mcam serabut je. phew!! where have the bubbly puteri gone to??? WML-with hand gesture to go with it- *WHATEVER MAJOR LOSER

word yg aku paling takut sekarang ni ialah REPEAT! si
yes siyal aku taknak repeat. boleh jadi terok dari jiwa kacau tak tau. itu tak baik punyer!

aku tak sabar nak cuti dua bulan. dua bulan tu aku dah plan, i'll be not working, tapi aku akan prektis wat drawing perspective lebih better lagi, kumpul material tiles and stuffs yg berguna, adding ID mags to my fave mags list and lpak kat KL and try jadi kepoh gal kat mana2 firm ID. idk whether this will work, but its a plan fo sho.

here are some pics time ID NITE-RANTING! *bestest ID NITE so far
sume ngah giler publisiti
letih tapi best!

bryan|nasreen a.k.a ayen|me

that's all for now. =)

p/s. aleen? nak link camne, hyperlink pun nggak ada kok. ni alynn derma ke??