Tuesday, November 4, 2008

bz.tensi.homesick! MAK!!


ni la yg aku sedang rasa. i've got a month away before final. my friends back at universities are now struggling their best. lecturers are now rushing up to finish all the silibus before finals. tensi wo! assignments,quizzes,tests and lots of others. damn tired and damned busy. homesick. i missed home a bit. ye la. duk kat kamsis ni serba tak cukup. kat umah nak apa ja mak buatkan, ayah tunaikan. but for sure, i'm renting a house with other 9 friends of mine. the house is 5mins from poli and we've got reliable neighbours. a doctor, a police, a jail warden and the house owner is a jail warden too. so, a lil bit secure i think and my soon-to-be housemates are mt classmates. so, senang nak urus activity rumah.

so far my life kat poli still can be handled. its just bila ada keja, i cant do it rightaway because of not owning a computer/laptop. so, nak tunggu kawan2 habis buat assignment,ym,check emails and lotsa kan mcm sengal ja.

lagipun life kat sini dah agak berubah sikit. i mean, friends. kalau dulu aku bagaikan isi ngan kuku ngan NaAk, but nowadays, suam2 kuku ja. we're not fighting, tak gaduh langsung. perhaps kami tak sekepala. i mean, we're not on the same page. she's in her world and i'm in mine. nak combine both worlds, mmg agak susah.
dunno. tp jgn risaw
kami masih mmpu bergelak ketawa bersama sama. after all, she is my roomate and she's the first person i knew back when first entering this poli.

its getting really really late
got 8am class tomorrow and its 3am already.


1 comment:

Ariff Ahmad said...

ni sorang lagi nak kena luku bila aku balik kampung raya nanti...